Miscellaneous Projects
& Public Speaking
Menindee Megafauna Project
An off-shoot project from the Central Darling Heritage Trail App and the Darling/Barka Geotrail app was the Menindee Megafauna Project. The reconstruction of the megafauna paleo-environment was done as a supervised work integrated learning project. The large scale model is now on display at the Menindee Visitors’ Center. It features 3D digitally modelled and printed megafauna by Dominic Lindus, situated in a paleo-landscape made by Louise Wills.
Communicating as Community: Our Creek
I’ve been very fortunate to be a team member on the Communicating as Community: Our Creek project. This placed-based conservation project was undertaken in partnership with the Saving Our Species team from NSW Department of Planning, Infrastructure and Environment (DPIE), Darkinjung Local Aboriginal Land Council, colleagues from the University of Newcastle and local community groups.
The pilot project, based at Ourimbah Creek focused on two threatened endemic species: Tranquility Mint Bush and Magenta Lilly Pilly. Locals became more familiar with these species through guided walks, yarning and art making. It led to an Environmental Trust Grant and further conservation projects.
Slow Fashion: Six Seasons
In 2019 I was a team member, with colleagues from the University of Newcastle, on the Six Seasons Slow Fashion Project. Key partners were the Newcastle based fashion house ‘High Tea with Mrs Woo’. The goal was to create inclusive, slow fashion garments. We designed gender neutral layered garments from ethically sourced natural fabrics, which featured purpose placed digital printing, enabling minimal waste. The swing tags were embedded with native seeds.
We the Makers Award
Our designs were entered into the 2019 National Competition, We the Makers, at the National Wool Museum in Victoria. Our team won the ‘Design for the Future: Sustainable and ethical textiles in fashion’ award!
Public Speaking Events
Guest speaker at Nature Illustrated, State Library of Victoria. Delivered online due to Covid during Science Week, 2021. Nature Illustrated celebrated the achievements of ornithological illustrator, Elizabeth Gould.
Guest speaker at the Newcastle Museum’s, National Science Week’s, Brain and Biomes exhibition, 2021. My lecture was entitled, Art and Science - A Happy Marriage.
Guest Presenter on Stories of Our Town: The Scott Sisters of Ash Island. Featuring the stunning entomological illustrations of Newcastle’s own Helena and Harriet Scott.